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What To Expect

What can you expect at Macedonia?

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I dress?

At Macedonia, there is no set dress code. In fact, we want you to be as comfortable as possible! If you are comfortable in a suit and tie, go for it! Would You rather go in something more casual, please do! However you are most comfortable, that's how you should dress!

Is there a place for my infant/toddler?

We have some wonderful volunteers who help us run our nursery! In our nursery, we have a safe place for your child ages 0-3yrs with some great folks who will give them nothing but love and care while you can focus on the worship service!

Is there a way I can join the service online?

We live stream our services every Sunday on our Facebook page! You can join in with us at 10:30, every Sunday morning here!

What is the style of music?

Our worship services offer a variety of different styles of worship! In a typical Sunday, you will hear a blending of newer songs you might hear on Christian radio and you may also hear some of your favorite hymns! Something for everyone!

Is there a children's program?

Our Children's church, GROW Kids, meet on Sunday mornings! Kids will stay in the sanctuary for worship, then will be dismissed to our children's area for a lesson, game, craft, and all kinds of great stuff to help get them started in faith. For more info, click here!

How do I get started?

If you think you are ready to come and visit Macedonia, head over to our plan your visit page to help us get ready to welcome you! You can just click here!

What are the service times?

We have Sunday school starting every Sunday at 9:30am, with classes for all ages! Our main worship service starts at 10:30am and our services last around an hour!

What about for my Middle/High School  student?

Our Student Ministry, Cultivate, meets on Sunday mornings during our Sunday school hour and on Wednesdays 6:30-8pm! It's a great time for students to hang out, have fun, and grow in their faith!

But what if I'm _____?

Fill in that blank however you want; divorced, single parent, broke, atheist, uncertain, gay, transgender, skeptic, etc. We welcome all to join with us! We strive to make Macedonia a warm and inviting place for you to encounter Jesus! You don't need to think or feel or believe exactly like us to be able to worship with us!

Ready to Plan Your Visit? Click here

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